Antika Law Firm, in continuation to the initiatives of Ukrainian Bar Association, together with other leading Ukrainian law firms, has expressed a position to stop providing legal services to international companies that still do business and maintain their presence in Russia. At the same time, we welcome all attempts by the Ukrainian management of foreign companies to convey the need to exit the market of the aggressor country and the desire to support Ukraine with significant financial, military and humanitarian assistance.
Lawyers note: “Based on our common ethical, professional and moral principles, we, Ukrainian lawyers, cannot understand and accept the position of international companies that still do business with Russia and maintain their presence in Russia as honest taxpayers, doing its contribution to the Russian military budget. ”
We will win! Glory to Ukraine!
Водночас ми вітаємо всі спроби українського менеджменту іноземних компаній донести необхідність виходу з ринку країни-агресора та прагнення підтримки України значною фінансовою, військовою та гуманітарною допомогою.